So- my D-mom friend Shamae at Crazy-Happy-Life has started a new thing which is WAY cool! Brag On Your Man Monday! Our guys often do get over looked in the things they do for us and our family. I know there is NO WAY our family could function without Jeff- he is the leader and head of our home. So- let's all join Shamae by blogging about our guys. AND make sure he sees it- he needs to know how much you love and respect him!
Before Jeff and I married, we discussed kids, working, homeschooling---the whole gammit. We agreed while dating that when we had kids at home- I would be at home, no matter the cost. In 11 1/2 years of marriage, he hasn't failed on that promise. Even after Jada was born and he went back to school full time- he waited tables when he wasn't working. We had never been poorer, but we had never been happier. He works so hard and SO WELL at his job- he's the GM of a restaurant, which by the way, is one of the most grueling jobs out there if you're doing it well. But- what he does even better is being a husband and a father. He is intentional with the kids- making every effort to be available to them- to talk, to pray, to play. And, he loves me unconditionally and has gone out of his way to make sure that he and I are going out on dates every couple of weeks. I honestly don't know how he does it- but he works hard at striking a good balance between work and home. I am GRATEFUL for the sacrifices he makes every day to ensure the security of our home for our family!
Beautiful post! Love it! Jeff sounds awesome!! Way to go Jeff!
Very impressed! Good Job Jeff! We ladies can do without a lot of stuff, but a good man is NOT one of them!
YAY Jeff!
Woot Woot!
Awww...he's a good husband because you're a great wife! I soooooo wish we had the chance to have gotten to know y'all better. You are a blessed family!!!
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